Distributed inference and training made simple.

Meet Distributed Poolnoodle

Instead of just running a single instance of an LLM, ScaiBlossom allows us to run multiple instances on multiple nodes. Not just that, it also allows us to distribute an LLM instance over multiple nodes, where several nodes together serve one single instance. This way, we can leverage the power of comodity hardware, to run large, complex LLMs, which could otherwise not be served.

This is a game-changer for companies and institutions wanting to access advanced AI capabilities without investing in expensive, specialized hardware.

Benefits and Applications

  • Cost-efficiency: By utilizing existing hardware infrastructure, organizations can significantly save on investments in new equipment.
  • Scalability: The system can be easily expanded by adding more nodes, allowing processing capacity to be flexibly adjusted to needs.
  • Accessibility: Advanced AI technologies become accessible to a wider range of organizations, including smaller businesses and research institutions.
  • Performance Improvement: By distributing the workload across multiple nodes, overall processing speed and efficiency can be improved.
  • Innovation Stimulus: This technology opens doors for new applications and experiments with large-scale language models that were previously unfeasible.


ScaiBlossom represents a significant advancement in the world of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. By combining the power of distributed computing with the flexibility of commodity hardware, it paves the way for more widespread adoption and innovation in the field of large language models. This technology has the potential to fundamentally change the way we implement and use AI, bringing advanced language processing capabilities within reach of a broader audience.

Meet Poolnoodle

Poolnoodle is our local hero. It's the name given to our family of in-house trained Large Language Models (LLMs). Maintaining our own models allows maximum customization of our models to fit your needs.

Meet Poolnoodle