ScaiLabs is a founding member of AI3C.

Certified Production Models

All our production LLMs are certified by AI3C and conform to their strict guidelines for both ethics and security.

The testing and certification of our models ensures that the chances that our models are being abused for nefarious purposes are limited by design.

We work together extensively with ai3c, to keep both our models in-check and their guidelines reflect the most recent developments in the field of generative LLMs.

Shared Commitments

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Open models

Review Listings

100% GDPR compliant

Claim Listings

Safety and ethics first

Democratization of Generative LLMs

AI3C shares the same core values as ScaiLabs does. We also believe in a future, where everybody can reap the benefits of advanced, generative AI and not just the happy few with the biggest budgets.

As such, we believe in a world of performant, but safe open models, that are equally accessible for everyone. To avoid those models being abused for malicious practices, we believe in integrating a broad "ethical baseline" into all of our models.

While no amount of precaution will exclude any form of abuse of advanced AI technologies, AI3C also actively monitors the Internet for any abuse of LLMs under its control. In case of a non-responsive third party, AI3C is prepared and able to take legal actions, to force the user in compliance.